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New Year’s Cake Cutting Event of the Offshore Yachting Club of Rhodes
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New Year’s Cake Cutting Event of the Offshore Yachting Club of Rhodes

It was a great pleasure for ANKO to be present at the New Year’s Cake Cutting Event of the OffShore  Yachting Club of Rhodes  on Sunday 23rd January.

In a full house , the event took place with due formality at the premises of the Club, where there were also Diploma and Award Granting Ceremonies to the Yachting Club Graduates.

The Members of the Club honored the ANKO academy with a commemorative plaque for offering the New Year Cake, which was made with excess enthusiasm by our Pastry Chef  students along with our Pastry Chef Mr. Kostas Savvis as well as the exceptional service offered to the guests of the event by our Hotel Management students.

The OffShore  Yachting Club of Rhodes  plays an important role and constitutes one of the best Regional Yachting Clubs in Greece.
We wish to express our sincere appreciation to the Club for the co-operation and the rewarding.