Massage is a profession, which includes various kinds of massages. Each one of them hiding an entire philosophy. The basic massage is the 1st part of the spa massage and is also taught in the Aesthetics program. It begins with basic anatomy knowledge that is essential for proper understanding of the body and proper application of all kinds of massages to the client. A lot of emphasis is given on the anatomy.
Furthermore, there is the Swedish massage which basically includes plenty of moves that can be applied to a relaxing massage. Anatomy and familiarity with Swedish massage are the basis for the development of the professional masseur.
At Anko academy this year, we carefully selected 12 massage techniques that cover the needs of even the most demanding Spa. The student will acquire complete knowledge and familiarity with these techniques without being given a simple presentation.
Target audience
The program addresses to workers and businessmen of beauty centers, spa/beauty salon institutes, and other businesses that deal with human health and wellbeing, as well as people who are interested in working in this field. Also by completing the study of the full spa massage package it is possible to open your own business as a masseur.
Briefing program
- Basic Anatomy Knowledge
- Body Anatomy Analysis
- Workplace preparation
- Proper appearance of a therapist
- Precautions during and before the massage
- Contraindications & Hygiene at Work
- Techniques and Methods of Massage
- Cellulite Massage
- Lymphatic massage
- Swedish Massage (what it is, how it differentiates, what it heals)
- Swedish Massage (choice of oils - lotions)
- Swedish Massage (moves, massage, relaxation)
- Aromatherapy
- Choice of fragrances and their composition (depending on the problem)
- Hot stones
- Sport massage
- Neck massage - Shidogara (what it is, how it differentiates)
- Neck massage (movements, massage, relief )
- Hawaiian lomi-lomi
- Handmade herbal cuffs
- Introduction and definition of Reflexology (analysis)
Here is the next Spa manager for the Spa massage graduates with a minimum of 2 years of Spa experience.
Degree-Certificate Spa Massage
All of our graduates receive after examinations, a Lifelong Learning Centre Certificate of Study which is also recognised abroad in two languages, Greek and English